About us

Know more about us

KAI Traveler: Your partner in exploring the incredible richness of the Southeast’s coasts, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Atlantic Ocean.

From accommodation listings to informational guides, we make it simple to plan an incredible adventure on the water accompanied by a boat.

How can we help you plan your next ocean-based adventure?

The Meaning of ‘KAI’

When we visited Hawaii, our guide explained to us that KAI could be translated to mean “protector of the seas”. It can be found in both the Hawaiian language and in Japanese, and we felt that it was an incredibly fitting name for our new endeavor – KAI Traveler.

‘KAI’ in Hawaiian means ‘ocean’ or ‘seas’. When it’s used to name a person that person becomes the ‘protector over the seas’.

In Japanese, ‘KAI’ means ‘Ocean’(海) or can be used as a prefix to mean ‘chief’ or ‘king’. When used as a namesake, that person becomes the Chief or King of the Ocean.

The oceans are some of Earth’s most important treasures and they need to be protected, now more than ever. We cannot think of a better name for this website.

Our goal in life’s voyage is to help protect the treasures of the ocean while also providing the people who share our love of the water with a platform that makes it easy to enjoy this natural wonder. That’s why this site is dedicated to finding vacation rentals on the water, with boat docks, where some of the best fishing and diving locations in the Southeast can be found.

Who Are We?

KAI Traveler is dedicated to people who love the water and choose to spend their time on beaches, fishing, boating, skiing, diving, or the many other amazing activities on and near the ocean. We’re a small family growing up on the water and passionate about exploring the ocean while protecting it, enjoying coastal cuisine, and raising our children to do the same.

Our Vision:

Our vision is simple – to help others appreciate and experience the joy, majesty, beauty, and profound abundance of the Earth’s oceans. We accomplish this by teaching others about the ocean and putting into practice things we’ve learned to protect it. We love to fish, snorkel and dive, and boat, and we want that experience to be available to our grandchildren and yours.

Our Mission:

Our mission is to provide valuable information about where to stay and what to do in some of America’s most amazing coastal towns. From highly developed areas like Destin, Florida, to off-the-beaten-path towns that offer a unique experience, we help you explore with confidence. Our guides are designed for anglers, beachgoers, boat owners, and anyone who just wants to have fun in the sun (with sunscreen!).

Please join us for this journey through various harbor and beach towns throughout the United States.